Monday, January 7, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone

We had a wonderful Christmas this year in our new home and with our new daughter. We were sad to see Brandon leave early on Christmas morning to travel to California with his grandpa to visit my sister and her kids, but I forced my pregnancy tears and hormones aside (not very well) and put on a happy face. Brandon was so excited to go so that made it more than worth it. We did our usual visit to Hortonville for Christmas Eve to spend with Paul's family. We had a wonderful night there, excellent meal, as always, church, and opening gifts. We had a very quiet Christmas day at home, just Paul, me, and Sydney. It was strange not to have my dad and Brandon with us.

We have been very busy getting settled into the new house. Still trying to figure what to put where, hang pictures, and decide on the curtain/window treatment situation in the rooms. Next up is working on the baby's room. Actually there isn't a whole lot to do, mostly just painting it and setting up the crib. If it were up to me we would paint most rooms in the house but that's when I have to tell myself to slow down and will all get done.

My pregnancy has gone incredibly well. I am 26 weeks now. We have 3 months to go until we can meet our little guy. Many days I feel like that seems like a long time from now, but most days it seems to be going very fast. I treasure every single moment and day of this pregnancy. He sure is an active little bugger! It's hard to imagine what our lives will be like once he is here. Very different from now, that's for sure!

When I think back to just one year ago it hits me how much has changed. Brandon is a teenager now and even though he pushes every single one of my "mom of a teenager" buttons on a daily basis I can't seem to hug him enough and want to just BE with him. Even sitting down and watching him play his brand new X-box 360 makes me happy.....what?? I know, weird. I just see him growing up so fast and slowly pulling away and I just want to stop time. Also, one year ago we did not have a 3 year old daughter, or a new home, or a baby growing in my belly......the blessings are overwhelming to me. How could I possibly deserve this much? God has blessed me with an incredibly helpful and supportive husband, and He has blessed us with amazing family that are always there for us. Our thanks goes out to all our family and also to our friends. We love you all!