Thursday, November 29, 2007

21 weeks pregnant and lookie, lookie at our little boy!

Nice shot of the moon....and the "stars" in the last picture. OMG! Do you all see what we are seeing??

Friday, November 9, 2007

November update

With time comes change, and with change come crazy times! A lot has happened since I last posted on here. We found out that Sydney is going to be a big sister in early April and Brandon is going to become a big brother for the second time in less than a year. I am almost halfway through our "miracle" pregnancy already and I can't get over how fast the time is going. Wish I could slow it down a bit. We also just put an offer in on a beautiful house and it was accepted! We close on Dec. 6th and will be in the house completely by this Christmas. We will be in the house 4 months before Baby "G" comes so hopefully that will give Sydney some time to adjust and transition to a new home. We all have a lot of changes to adjust to but we feel so blessed for all of the exciting, and exhausting, days ahead of us.

The pictures are of Aunt Rita with Sydney, pumpkin picking, Halloween, and my two sweeties.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time for an update

Hello Everyone.
Surgery is done and Sydney is back to her little happy self again! (Thank God). Sydney had a rough go of it but who wouldn't?? I can't imagine having surgery on my mouth and then only able to eat liquids through a scary-looking syringe for 10 days and then having to wear silly contraptions on my arms so I could not bend my elbows. She has been a real trooper through it all but poor little wasn't easy.

We had a scare 5 days post-op where we woke to discover Sydney crying in her crib while horribly covered in blood everywhere..and I mean EVERYWHERE! It looked like a scene out of a horror movie and a massacre had taken place. Anyway, one ER visit and two Docs examining her later she was OK and her palate had not reopened up. We were very thankful for that. They were not sure what could have happened but thought that maybe a few stitches had ripped open, although with all the blood there was it really looked as if all stitches had opened and her surgery was all for nothing. She is 2 weeks post-surgery now and all is just great! She is happy again and loving life. So are we :)

The pictures I have posted are from the last 2 weeks. The first one you see is from getting a mosquito bite right smack next to her right eye just 2 days before her surgery. She woke up with the whole right side of her face swollen and you could barely see her beautiful little eye. Sydney has terrible reactions to mosquito bites but this one was really bad! The swelling didn't go down for at least 3 days. The rest of the pictures are in succession from oldest to most recent. As you can see in the last photos she is back to herself and loved posing for the camera for Momma. I thought I better get some pictures of her in one of the Asian styled dresses we bought for her in China before she grows out of it. The umbrella was also purchased in China.

Speech therapy will start up again and we should start to see some major improvements in Sydney's speech. We also are continuing our Wiggles 'N Giggles class at the Y on Wed. mornings. We really enjoy our playdates with little Miss Emily and her mommy Jamie too.

More updates to follow soon!