Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August Update

We have had a great summer, and busy one at that. Our summer has been filled with spending lots of time with family and getting to know our little Sydney Rose. We have had so much fun with her. She has been exposed to so many new things and experiences, and she just can't seem to get enough! She is a very curious little girl. She is also so full of love and LOVES people. She seems to be very comfortable in new situations and different surroundings, but we have found her to be at her happiest while at home. She loves car rides and meeting new people (this is not a shy girl) but when we pull into our long driveway she starts to giggle and get's very excited to be home.

Sydney has been home now for three months. I can't believe it's only been three months! Now I understand when people say how their newly adopted children blend in so well with the family that it seems as though they have been with them for years. It all makes sense now.

Sydney has gained 5 lbs. and has grown 2 1/2 inches since bringing her home in May. She is doing great and we are so happy that she is thriving. Over the summer we went to our Wiggles 'N Giggles class at the Y on Wed. mornings and then she started a swim class every Mon. morning. She loved both of them, especially swimming. This little one is a "freak" for water! We are taking a short break from any classes now as Sydney has her surgery coming up to close her palate. Her surgery is scheduled for 8/27/07 at the Shriners Hospital in Chicago. She will be admitted the day before and hopefully be discharged no later than 8/29/07. It is going to be a tough time for all of us but we all feel that she will do well as she is such a trooper about most things. She will be on a "liquid diet only" for 10 days and also have to wear elbow restraints for 10 days+ so as not to put her hands in her mouth and possibly cause rupture of the sutures or get an infection due to bacteria. It's gonna be a loooooooooong 10 days but we just need to get this over with! The surgeons also told us she will need to have tubes put in her ears because she has fluid in her ears (common in open palate children) which is also causing some mild hearing loss. The tubes should take care of that. They also want to do a nose and lip revision 3-6 months or so after her palate surgery.

We welcome any prayers for a safe surgery and good recovery for Sydney. She's been through so much already (heart surgery and cleft lip surgery at 5 and 6 months of age) but we firmly believe that she is in excellent hands at Shriners Hospital and we wouldn't want her to go anywhere else for her surgery. We are very lucky to have family that live in the Milwaukee area so our travel won't be AS bad.

I will be posting some more pictures from the past month. Brandon, Paul, Sydney, and I are so very lucky to have such great supportive family and friends. Sorry the blog posts are becoming fewer and far between but I hope to be more on the ball once Fall comes and things slow down a bit. For now, we just keep counting our blessings and continue to enjoy every single last speck of summertime that we have left.
Pictures to follow SOON!